We have started work on my parents “cottage” as we call it. The first order of business was fixing the plumbing. Clint did this pretty much on his own while I kept the 3 year old out of his hair so I didn’t get any pics. though now that I am writing this I am realizing that I may still be able to as I think the floor hasn’t been completely closed back up. Clint, the ever present handy man of all trades in my life did an amazing job and again may there be multiple blessings raining down on the head or heads of who ever the brilliant person or persons are that invented PEX tubing and Shark Bite plumbing valves. My first jobs were paint and curtains. My mother collects Blue Willow china and she decided she would like the kitchen to be blue. The kitchen used to be green and the counter tops are blue green mix. I went into Lowes- my preference for paint of the trifecta (Lowes,Home Depot, and Menards)of home improvement stores -and picked up basically one of every shade of blue paint chip they had in the joint. I took them back to the cottage, got out my boxes of fabric, set it all on the blue green counters, and started eliminating. Clint came behind me installing blinds. My super helper LOVED the paint. We aren’t done but you can see some of the process.
There is a mirror over the sink and I took the picture in the mirror. Caelun “I hop you mommy! I hode you – you no fall”
Clint is measuring for the blinds.
The blinds are up and curtains on the door.
This is a desk we bought for my dad. I think Grandpa and Cae Cae may have some fun.
I also had special help with sewing curtains. Shouldn’t every sewing machine have a resident dump truck?
A better shot of the curtains with Caelun using Blue Fuzzy for contrast.
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