Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day of Silence

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

My daughter is amazing and on this day she was one of my heroes. The Day Of Silence is a day in April every year when high school students take a vow of silence to ‘speak out’ against violence and harassment of LGBT youth. In light of the rash of LGBT teens committing suicide because of bullying this conversation is one that needs to be had. It can be hard, especially as a teen, to stand up for someone who is seen as an outsider or as different. I am proud of her for standing up. May none of us be ‘silent’ while in view of someone in pain and may we all treat each other gently with words and deeds. Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can break our hearts.

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Rainbows on her fingernails.

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There is more information on Day Of Silence at the link below.


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