Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas helper and brownies for Santa.

Christmas Eve we finished up the last of our wrapping and then made brownies for Santa. My super helper had a great time with the ribbon and then made sure the beater from the brownies got completely licked. Licking the beater is always a very important job you know. With the presents wrapped and the brownies made we were all ready for daddy to pick up Abbi from he mom’s, open our Christmas jammies, and go to bed to wait for Santa. Just so Santa knows Caelun said the brownies were “dawishous!”- he hopes Santa liked them.

What a good ribbon helper.

 Christmas Eve 001 Christmas Eve 002 Christmas Eve 003


          Bring on the beater mom! I am ready to taste test!Christmas Eve 013


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Sugar coma

Christmas Eve 023

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