Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tomato Thyme

The tomatoes in our garden exploded. We made spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, pizza sauce, and sun dried tomatoes. Not only did we have an abundance of tomatoes ,we had some absolutely HUGE ones this year and I have nothing to attribute it to. I didn’t fertilize or even really water very much. I guess it is just our chocolate cake dirt. It is either that or magic. My bet is on the dirt.

All the makings for what we call ‘garden sauce’

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This one is 13.4 oz.

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And this one …

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…yep you are reading that correctly.

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1.02 pounds. Clint and Caelun thought we needed the horse in the picture for perspective (wink)

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Caelun agreed the tomato was BIG.

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Now to weigh the horse.

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1 comment:

Rob said...

They are very good Tomatoes.
