Sunday, July 11, 2010

Forensics Night

Forensics Night is a fun night we have to perform pieces one last time, close out our season and laugh at all the goofy things that happened during the year. Rachel wrote a poem to close out the night and I think she summed it up quite well so I won’t try to improve on it.

Welcome to Forensics Night.

“F” is for the Fun we have as a team.
Winning or losing doesn’t matter,
just as long as we support each other
and enjoy ourselves.

“O” is for Outrageous Oratory topics.
Weddings, rape, cats, Ratatouille, and
Why, apparently, children should be
Left behind: these were all speeches
That, unfortunately, were heard time
and again.

“R” is for Raccoon, and making fun
of Kesha, and teammates’ speeches
heard just one time too many. What
happens in the van, stays in the van!

“E” is for Enthusiasm…or not, at 6
or 7 in the morning with nervousness
and anticipation battling with each
other as we set off for yet another
tournament. 7-11 stop anyone?

“N” is for Nicknames. You know the
competition solely by their piece or a
defining outward characteristic. Hence,
Bowtie Guy, Mean Girls Girl, Kilt
Man, and Facebook Girl become acceptable and understood vernacular.

“S” is for stupid judges. For all those
who can’t run stopwatches, handle
timecards, give constructive criticism,
or get to the room on time, know that
I quite frankly don’t like you, and am
likely to talk about you to my team.

“I” is for ‘Iraq and roll,’ ‘running from
Iran,’ being a little teapot for prison
reform, and so many jokes and stories
that make Forensics SO much fun, and
never dull.

“C” is for Coach—Medford-Tow-Conley,
our multiple-monikered favorite person,
who puts up with our “uniqueness” and
gives up whole Saturdays to cart us
to and from tournaments. Thank You Tow!

“S” is for success! An awesome team, an
awesome season, can’t wait until next
year comes!

Caden with his regional qualifying informative speech on deafness.

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Alecia doing poetry interpretation- Bubble Trouble

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Erin doing children’s storytelling- Snow White.

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Rachel with her state qualifying oratory on perseverance.

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Jen with who broke at states to semi- final round in impromptu speaking.

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Talya found a funny article for Jen to speak on.

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Telling the “tea pot” story regarding a competitor who tried to use I’m a little tea pot to introduce a topic on the economy.

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Jen prepping.

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Me timing and calling time out to her in 15 sec. increments.

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As always in impromptu speaking on the fly.

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Thomas doing dramatic interpretation from The Wizard of Oz.

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Alecia with her informative speech on juggling.

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Brittney with poetry-a collection of poems about betrayal.

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Talya with her final round, 6th place at the state championship, oratory on the problem with ignorance about current events.

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Rachel closing with the poem she wrote listed above.

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Thanks for a great season gang!

1 comment:

Awesome wrapped in Epic said...

I miss forensics :( theres alot of talk among us post-HS forensic ppl about starting one on campus but it just never seems to get off the ground
