Sunday, July 4, 2010

Abbi’s Collage Band Concert

Cedar Springs does this really cool thing at the end of each year with the bands. They call it the collage concert and they have all of the bands- 6th through 12th grades and the specialty bands perform. As a parent it is really neat to see how the kids progress. As the parent of an 8th grader it is exciting to see what we have to look forward to with Abbi participating in the high school bands. As a community member it was THE place to be. EVERYBODY was at this concert. My dad came to babysit Caelun. We knew there was no way we would get him to sit still and after Abbi’s Christmas concert where he ran up on stage to participate we decided we would be better to let him stay at home.

Grandpa came early and I got a few pictures

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Grandma came along as well.

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We are off to see the bands. As a forewarning the pictures aren’t very good. I was WAY up in the bleachers and couldn’t get closer. My zoom made things really fuzzy as gyms are huge light sucks. If you have a kid in the band you will care otherwise feel free to scan fast.

The 7th grade band

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Meghan Rice with

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Abbi is behind the music stand – of course.

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Abbi is behind the director.We can see her feet.

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There is her face :-) It is far away but there she is :-)

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All of the bands.

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The jazz band with Jessie Franks singing.

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