Sunday, July 18, 2010

‘Tis the season for open houses.

One of the occupational benefits or hazards - depending on how you look at it- of being a high school teacher is the open houses that come around every spring after graduation. The benefits are  getting to see your wonderful students bask in their accomplishments while you get out of cooking and and get to eat lots of yummy food. The down side is there are just so many. You can’t ever hit them all and you feel bad about the ones you don’t get to. This is also at the close of the school year and you are invariably swamped with “teacher stuff” along with personal life stuff you have been ignoring while doing all the “teacher stuff” that is rapidly catching up to you. Throw in the fact ath I was recovering form sinus surgy durin peak season and there are many I missed. We got to a few of them this year: Alecia, Andy, and Natasha- my God-daughter. Caelun just loves these parties. He thinks they are put on just for him. There are gobs of people who fuss and make a big deal over him, generally there are balloons, and always there is food which he loves everything and especially cake! We had a major melt down at Alecia’s because he couldn't have a 3rd cupcake- before he finished his 2nd. What can I say the boy loves cake. As far as he is concerned we should spend all spring at an open house – yeah bring on the cake!

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Alecia’s was a medieval theme doesn’t she look smashing!

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Alecia’s family does model trains. Talk about little boy heaven.

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Got to see some old friends- Jessica and Mary.

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Next up was Andy’s. I am glad we got to see Talya being that her open house is one we missed. Look at all those cool trophies!

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Did I mention the balloons?

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Did I mention how much he likes the food?

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Andy’s mom helps him get balloons. What a 3 year old life.

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A group for forensics kids from various schools.

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“Yeah dad for open houses!”

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“We have to go? Really?”

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Next up is Natasha’s I only got a couple of pictures because it was the same day as Abbi’s birthday party so I ran over, dropped off some food and her present and ran back for Abbi’s party.

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Natasha with her Grandpa Griffes.

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Congrats to the grads and yeah for food, balloons, and especially cake!

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