So every night Caelun takes a bath, gets out and puts on his footie pajamas, has a bottle, reads Good Night Moon and goes off to bed. I love this. I love his warm, clean baby smelling goodness. This is of course the false advertising Bill Cosy warned about. This is what makes having to help my husband find his work ID badge under the kitchen hutch at 6:00 a.m- from where our little bundle of joy stashed it the night before- all worth it. Clint took these pics.- and said, "I have to get this or else no one will believe he actually holds still that long." I think they hold still just long enough to make you think they will stay like this forever- and then they grow up, make you proud, and break your heart, when they don't want to fall asleep reading Good Night Moon, in footie pajamas, with a bottle, while snuggled on your lap.

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