Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. You don't have to worry about a present and it brings neighbors together. Abbi had Halloween with her mom but Clint picked her up after trick or treating and I got a couple of pictures of her in costume before the fake blood wore off. Actually we had family pictures taken that next day and we were worried for a bit it wouldn't come off- but luckily baby oil and rubbing alcohol did the trick. It was a good time for all involved.

Natasha gives Cae-Cae a snack and a snuggle

Natasha carves a pumpkin from our garden

She thinks Cae eating pumpkin guts is funny


Grandma Del laughs at the kids
I like raw pumpkin guts!

A work of art

The true stinker!

The pretty sock hop girl actually calls the skunk!

Grandma Nead has some quarters

Give me some candy or you will be sorry!

I am a stinker!

Look out Grandpa Bob- you are in the line of fire.

Okay dad lets check the loot.

Daddy she seems scary!

Natasha offers courage.

It is better with daddy's help- maybe I am not such a brave little skunk

Look what I have daddy! Skunks like shiney wrapers.

Natasha sticks out her tongue at me as she walks with my dad.

The skunk is tired and ready to go home

Look at all the candy!

Clint came home with our gory girl, Abbi

We saved her some goodies...
carmel apples and...

This is a chocolate chip cookie my dad brought
What fun! We never actually got around to carving a pumpkin. The night we decided to do it we went to two different grocery stores and could not find a pumpkin! I guess we might just have to plant one next year!
It is fun to watch them grow. Our kids get a kick out of it.
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