Summer up date- all of the roses bought back in the spring from Great Lakes Roses are doing splendidly. I actually just finally got the mulch down around them yesterday to pretty up the beds and help keep the moisture in during this last stretch of August. Clint's William Baffin roses have climbed almost to the top of his arbor. Clint said they are the tallest and most glorious he has ever seen them. His Jens Monk is bushed out and climbing up a trellis we put down for it this year. This isn't even the original bush he bought. We moved a sucker because the original bush was just so big. The plant we moved was really quite small. It has completely taken off this year. In fact if any one wants one it is sending up shoots everywhere. Some of the roses were between bloom cycles when I took these pictures. I will try to catch all of them when they are blooming.
This is one of my favorites it is a Buck Shrub- Prairie Sunset
It is quite the show stopper .
I can't believe they look this good the first year.
By the way they all smell as wonderful as they look.
Quadra another Canadian Explorer Series to bracket the garden opposite the Jens Munk
Another Buck Shrub- Prairie Harvest
Morden Sunrise

Buds on the Jens Munk
Buds on the William Baffin
The Jens Munk on the trellis
The William Baffin almost to the top of the arbor
The Quadra starts to climb.

By the way they all smell as wonderful as they look.

Ah, those look beautiful. Hey, did you get the camera bag? I hope by now! (I sent it a few weeks ago.)
Yes we did get the camera bag- thank you- thank you- thank you.
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