Some old friends found their way to our little burg. The Turmo family- Joel, Melissa, David, and Andrew. Indulge me with a trip through twenty- plus years. Melissa and I danced for the same studio and also for FBT back in Flint when I was in high school. Joel went to community college with Clint, Dawn and I - we were all on Student Senate. After MCC, Dawn and I went to CMU, Clint went to MSU, and Joel went to a private Lutheran College ( I can't remember the name- Joel let me know and I will up date it). Joel then left that school and joined a traveling theater group called Covenant Players traveling through out the country and eventually over seas to Europe preforming at churches along the way. Mean while Melissa came to CMU and we were re-connected through the dance company Shades of Ebony (we were some of the lighter shades) and eventually Orchesis. Joel left covenant Players and came to CMU. I introduced him to Melissa and the rest is history to to speak. Actually Joel, Melissa, Dawn, and I all graduated from CMU. Joel and Melissa got married, and Joel went to Western to go to grad. school for occupational therapy, (Clint is doing his grad. work at WMU now as well- Melissa, Dawn, and I probably shouldn't talk to either one of them considering they are Broncos). Melissa started writing for a newspaper using her journalism degree, Dawn took a teaching job, and I went to grad. school a CMU. At this time Clint graduated from MSU, got married, moved to NH, moved back, started working at Munson Hospital, and had Abby. Time went on, Joel took a job at the University of Wisconsin at Appleton, I got married, took the teaching job at Forest Hills, Dawn changed teaching jobs from Ashley to Breckenridge. Joel and Melissa had David and then Andrew. Clint got divorced. I got divorced. Clint and I got married. Clint took a teaching job with KCTC. We had Caelun. Joel then attended seminary in TN, to become an Episcopal priest. He was just ordained in May and assigned a church in Boca Raton FL. Before beginning his assignment they took a month to go visit everybody, thus landing in Cedar Springs. It is hard to believe that these four other people have been on this adventure with me on and off for twenty years now. Melissa and I have know each other even longer. I don't feel that old. Such is life. I am excited to get to listen to Joel's sermons via the web- especially since we had the same public speaking teacher back at MCC. In fact, Joel, Clint and I all had Pastoor- Dawn I did you have him or Fatka? I think it is funny that the four of us are making our living public speaking- three teachers and a preacher- who would have thunk?

Joel re-locates Andrew who thought our ladder looked inviting.

Melissa and Clint get acquainted.
My dad checks out "the college kids" with now graying hair.
Dawn keeps Caelun entertainedMelissa and David get ready to eat lunch.
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