So Kristen at Yankee-mom.blogspot.com - who also happens to be my dear daughter's aunt recently gave me this award. I guess the way it is supposed to work is I am now supposed to give this award to other bloggers. I have to leave a comment on thier blog letting them know I have given this award and post a link to their blog- so they then can do the same, so here goes... drum roll please---
I nominate:
1. Gretchen my old Grand Rapids friend for keeping me up on all things Texan and reminding me what a great place GR is at http://areageek.blogspot.com/
2. Jerry at http://jerryspeak.blogspot.com/ for the truly AMAZING photography. I learn something every time I look at his photos, and he takes lots of pictures of his grand baby:)
3. Christy at http://myphotographymypassion.blogspot.com/ for more AMAZING photography and shots of familiar places in Michigan.
4. Hanna at http://thisgardenisillegal.com/ for all of the gardening tips as well as the wonderful tomato tasting going on currently.
Thanks Pam! Your kind words of encouragement are greatly appreciated:-))
Jerry in Tampa
Thanks so much for the award. I appreciate the kind thoughts and nice remarks. I have added the award to my list of awards. (I typically do not pass them on but who knows I may decide to here in the future.)
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