So Abbi's big thing right now is snakes. Yes you heard correctly- snakes. She has a pet snake at her mom's house. It is a Ball Python named Seether. She also has a Chinese water dragon named Axel- yes after Axel Rose the lead singer from the 80's hair band Guns -N- Roses. This is kind of her and her step-dad's thing. We have cats and fish- none named after 80's band members, but I digress. Now I am not a squeamish girly-girl. I think snakes and spiders are wonderful- in my garden, I have just never thought of them as potential pets. When I am looking for a pet I think warm and fuzzy- a dog, a cat, maybe even a rodent, such as a rabbit, or a hamster. Amphibians and reptiles don't immediately jump to mind. This, however, isn't about me it is about Abbi and she likes snakes. She found a reptile show that is on the first Sunday of every month at the HoJo on 28th Street in Grand Rapids. "Would I PLEEEASE take her?" Of course. This also gave Clint the opportunity to work on the house unmolested. We were talking about it while we were at Cedar Point and Cody said "COOL! Can I come?" Why not, I bought a minivan for a reason. So I piled the stroller and the kids in the van and we headed out to look at reptiles and amphibians, along with a variety of spiders. Abbi and Cody loved it. Caelun could have cared less, but he likes to be out in the stroller with lots of people around so that worked for him. These people were quite colorful- literally. I don't know if I have ever seen quite that many tattoos and body piercings concentrated in one place, and those were just the visible ones. All in all it was an interesting afternoon, and Abbi even made a purchase of some "mouse-sicles" as I call them. Frozen mice to be fed to her snake back at her mom's. -right next to the ice-cream- yum!

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