Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bottoms Up

I am sure my son will hate me when he is older for sharing these pictures with the world but they are just so darn funny and cute that I just have to. I can’t blame him. On a warm day who wouldn’t want pull off everything that binds and just enjoy the sun on your skin? On a warm late May day the neighbor kids across the street were cleaning out toys they had out grown and decided that Caelun should get this sturdy metal dump truck. That was very nice, Caelun was very happy to receive it, and we thanked them. Now what then made him decided he needed to take off his shorts and diaper and climb on to it in the middle of the front yard I am not sure but every one was very amused. My friend Debbie who was helping me with my flowers and who is a mom to little boys also got a good chuckle.

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How can you not take that picture?

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As you can see he barley fit- maybe the shorts made it more difficult to fold himself into the truck?

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Off to the backyard behind the privacy fence where is is okay to to be bottomless on a warm day.

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Chick Hatchers said...

That's about the only thing I like about our fence being a privacy fence, if the kids need to have what we call "a naked day" - they can. I think mine have finally gotten past that stage, but up until a year or two ago, I would still look outside and see a naked child on the swing or running through the yard. Kids are so funny. (I love that your son still fit in the truck - imagine his disappointment if he hadn't fit!) :)

Pamela said...

Clothes are definitely over rated. We have a pool and we live on a corner where traffic can be a bit loud. The privacy fence is good at accommodating both of those things:-)
