Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Grandpa Bob and his … Sleigh?

Did you know Santa drove a John Deer? Well apparently he does in our neck of the woods. I do all the Christmas shopping for my parents so I like to get an early start and and get is all wrapped. The only issue then is where to do you store it until the big day? We piled all of it in Grandpa’s trailer and stored them in his attic. Our super helper elf was just the right size to fit in the low ceilinged storage space. This was 11 days in to December I know it is hard to believe with the lack of snow on the ground.


2011-12-11 Dawn visits and grandpa's sleigh 007


2011-12-11 Dawn visits and grandpa's sleigh 0052011-12-11 Dawn visits and grandpa's sleigh 006

Loaded up and ready to roll- HO HO HO  and all that.

2011-12-11 Dawn visits and grandpa's sleigh 008

2011-12-11 Dawn visits and grandpa's sleigh 004

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