Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A special member of the leporidae family known as Easter Bunny paid a visit to our house.

I am not sure if I should  be happy or concerned that an unusual variant of the leporidae family stopped by our house and left baskets of goodies for the kids. I am happy that my kids get cool baskets full of stuff they like. I am concerned that this aberrant creature - a giant rabbit -seems to know my kids so well. He never sticks around – he just drops the baskets and runs- well more like hops- so I guess there is no need for emotional conflict. The kids were certainly happy and darned if that bunny doesn’t get it right every time. Have a peek around and check out the loot. I promise the rabbit is gone.

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Both baskets were dropped right on the clean spot on the dinning room table. It is like that knows- I am telling you.

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Abbi’s basket.

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Caelun’s basket.


Abbi was up first this year and she seemed pleased. 

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Soy crisps, Pringles, make up, argyle socks, a poke dot rainbow colored jacket,  rainbow colored pencils for math class, lotion from Say Yes To Carrots – her favorite brand, and a Jodi Picoult book. I am telling you that rabbit knows stuff.



Caelun got up next.

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Goldfish crackers, cheese puffs, a new tooth brush and tooth paste with Big Bird and Little Bear respectively, Play Doh, a foam football, Schliek animals and people for his castle, and a magic ribbon book. This rabbit clearly has sources.

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Hope you all had a Happy Easter and as for us we have decided the mutant member of the leporidae family is welcome to stop by. I still think I am glad he kept hopping and didn’t want to stay for breakfast.

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