Located in Woodstock VT is the Billings Farm and Museum. It is a working dairy farm, with Percheron horses, chickens, and sheep. This was a real highlight for the kids. The cows, horses, and chickens are are available to be petted. Abby REALLY dug this. I wish I could show you the pictures. She almost forgot to run away from me taking her picture. I did see some irony that we drove 800 miles and paid admission so the kids could pet a cow. One of my dear garden club buddies is married to a third generation dairy farmer and they live about four miles from us. I said to Clint, "Aren't you glad we came all the way to VT so the kids could pet a cow?" he responded "yes honey because those cows have mountains behind them." True true. The scene was truly bucolic. The people working at the farm were just wonderful. They told stories and answered every question we could possibly come up with. The animals were as friendly as house pets. The museum was like walking though my dad's barn and garage. Dad, they have your corn planter on display in a case. The best part for Clint and I was the 1890's Gothic farm house. We thought we had the siding color all picked out for our 1820's Gothic farm house and this made us reconsider. Actually we went and bought siding yesterday- I will keep you in suspense until it gets here.

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