Our next stop was Rutland/Killington VT. As most of you know Clint lived in New England- NH to be specific- right after he graduated from MSU. Every so often when he gets bogged down in the craziness of life he wants to in his words,"Go look at a mountain and be reminded that anything difficult I have going on is pretty insignificant." We took a vacation out there last year at his suggestion and I fell in love with it. We went back to the same hotel we stayed at last year- same room even. It is an efficiency with a full kitchen and I mean full right down to the dishes and the silverware. We got a particularly good deal because it is a ski lodge. June isn't exactly prime ski season so the rate was really good. After the difficult school year with the "broken baby", writing new curriculum with out a text book, teaching an over load due to his friend and colleague passing away from cancer, one of his students being critically injured in a car accident, oh yeah and there was that whole first year teacher thing, Clint really needed that mountain. The only difficult part for the rest of our vacation entries is our van was burglarized the night we got home. My camera with the SD card containing all of the pictures post Niagara Falls was on it. My purse, my cell phone, the kids portable DVD player and a case with lots of DVD's were also taken. Our neighbors have all apologized for not being awake in the middle of the night and catching the culprits. We have a wonderful neighborhood. The police seem optimistic that we might get the stuff back. Apparently they have some suspects. We shall see. The pictures are the worst part. Everything else is just stuff. Thanks to the miracle of the internet I can give you a glimpse. Clint and I really enjoyed the architecture. Owning a house from the period of many of the houses in Woodstock gave us inspiration. I can't show you Caelun and Abby on the covered bridge, but pictures of the bridge exist. Use your imagination.

We spent some time hanging out on and walking across this bridge on Mountain Road. There is no metal in it anywhere- not even nails. Neat stuff. This link is a slide show of some of the buildings in Woodstock. It is late fall in the slide show, so imagine the trees full of green leaves- and you will see what we saw.
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