Caelun is definitely our outside boy. He loves the garden and even more he loves water. If I want to work in the garden and I want him to stay put, all I have to do is turn the hose on a trickle and he will play endlessly. I of course have to be prepared to change his clothes and give him a bath when I am done but all in all not a bad trade. In this case I got double duty- the roses got watered and Caelun was entertained. The large hot pink rose is one of Clint's two William Baffin roses we moved from Traverse City. When we moved them they were three feet tall. This by the way was quite the adventure since we moved them in my Ford Escort hatchback. We moved them with the trellis and they are now six and a half feet tall and the growing season isn't over. Bless our chocolate cake dirt.
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