We know it is a risk to put in tender vegetables before Memorial Day but if you can, you extend your harvest by several weeks. Clint has always been much more brave than I regarding this. His point is even if we lost everything we planted, at most we are out a few bucks and we can replant at the normal time. If there isn't a frost, or you can protect it, you are way ahead. It makes sense. We planted early and we have been out to cover twice now. This doesn't count the early frost after the quick warm up that sent all the flowering trees into bloom. We were out covering those as well. That seems to have paid off if our cherry tree is any harbinger- it is currently loaded with little green cherries. Cross your fingers we are done with frost.
The peppers tucked into one of the flower gardens

Caelun helps uncover the plants in the morning
We covered the tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. The cole family is frost hardy.

Caelun helps uncover the plants in the morning

1 comment:
Looks great! Hopefully by now, all danger of frost is past. Usually we are safe by Memorial Day weekend (though it came early this year.) I only planted annuals and my daughter some tomatoes, so I hope we're safe, too, though this month is much colder than last month!
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