Garden Club Buddies- these are some of the flowers we have to swap. I will post them as they come into season and you can come over and get what you want. I still have irises not open. I will post more colors as they open. I may post some pictures for my own benefit that I don't have enough to swap- to document what I have. In that case I will note I don't have enough yet to trade, other wise come on over. By the way if anyone knows any of the specific names of any of theses please let me know.

only a couple extra
One of Clint's favorites by the way
Two tone purple -limited
Dark purple iris -this one looks almost black
Lupines- these have just started to send off babies- limited
Sensation lilac
This has just recently started sending up shoots
Dark purple lilac -quite a few


my dad has a fence row of these running along his forty acres
Lily of the valley -lots
Creeping myrtle or periwinkle -lots
Vinca vine
Perennial geranium- very hardy- tolerates salt
I have quite a few but they are small
Those are great -- quite an impressive garden you have there. We don't have enough room for many flowers, but are happy for the few we plant that survive (I am SO not a gardener -- I will probably be much better when the kids are grown.)
We are lucky to have so much space in town- we have 2 1/2 city lots on a corner. We are really trying to make the most of our space by creating "rooms". We are also very luck to have a good sized park- with a creek across the street. Gardening is also something Clint and I both like to do, so it has become something of a family thing.
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