The weather has been wonderful so far for break and all of our snow is gone. We are working at cleaning out the flower beds and putting down mulch. The yard is much neglected after our summer and fall with "broken baby" as we refer to him. I have planted my glads and potatoes as well as thirty pounds of grass seed. We want to start planting the garden this week as well: cabbage, broccoli, spinach, and lettuce. I needs to rain so we can get some inside stuff worked on:)Cae loves it outside and is quite the "helper".

by the mail box- the tulips are not far behind

a flower bed in need of raking

I will help with the hose

Is this ..
Yummy dirt
My thumb taste so much better with dirt
It is nice to be outside- are there some tasty leaves? Maybe some worms?Aren't I a good helper?
Wow, you are an ambitious gardener. Maybe in another life, I'll do that again . . . and that little guy is getting so big. What a cutie.
My grand father and my dad as a child were share cropers. We joke that dirt is probably in my DNA. Clint is a gardner as well. We actually moved lilies of various types,climbing rosebushes, and even a redbud tree from his house when we were getting married. He is much more deliberate than I. His plants are all carefully chosen and a spot prepared. Mine are what ever wayword thing comes my way - usually from some fellow garden club member and finds a spot where ever a spot is open. His method is more consistantly successful- mine is cheaper.:)
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