During spring break we started on the garden, did Caelun's room, Clint did our taxes, and I scrap booked with one of my students and her mom. I will do his room in a separate post. As for the garden, we planted the Cole family: cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, and one four pack of brussel sprouts. Now I know you are thinking brussel sprouts? I have a recipe for roasted brussel sprouts so we thought we would try them. Sorry dad I never liked them as a kid. This recipe is a Martha Stewart one and whatever anybody may think about her, her recipes are usually good. It involves olive oil and garlic. How bad could it be? We will let you know. I also planted asparagus crowns and onions. Cae would laugh uncontrollably every time I would jump on the shovel to edge the garden. I am trying not to get a complex. I am doing something different this year with the broccoli, spinach, and lettuce. We usually have trouble with it bolting when the weather gets warm so I am planting it in my shady flower gardens this year. My fellow garden club member and neighbor Stacy told me she read that mixing in your vegetables with your flowers is also supposed to help confuse the bugs and bunnies. I still sprayed everything with hot pepper wax. :) This is also very much in keeping with the philosophy from the book Noah's Garden, that fellow garden club, and book club member Sandy turned us on to. Clint and I are both converts. I bought seeds for lettuce, spinach, carrots and beets but I haven't got them in the ground yet. After state finals I will have more time to get the garden into full swing.

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