Caelun turned 1 on the 28th of April and I know it is hard to believe but it only took a year and we are all still alive. If the first year was this bad, heaven help us for the terrible two's. Actually the hard part seems to be behind us- not to put a kinahara on it. He seems to be less "broken" as we jokingly refer to him. Thanks to everyone who came, sent presents, and wished him well. It was a wonderful day and we took way to many pictures. I think if you scroll fast enough you can actually see him move.
Thomas and Patrick chow down while Abby runs from the camera
Grace, Grandma Del, and Grandpa Bob join in the day
Who needs toys?
Kris, Dan, Daddy, Cole, and Emily eat
I like to rip paper!
Instruments that make noise!
Cole likes them to
Got some frosting!
Pretty cake. I like ducks!
For me?
Let's eat!

How much cake do you think I can fit in my mouth at once?

Ducks and frosting!
pucker up daddy!
You know you want a kiss
Is green my color?
Daddy says "this is how you know your mommy loves you more, I'm
not going to kiss that face."
Cake comma
Kisses! Emily is scared

Are you people out of your minds?!

not going to kiss that face."