More flowers- dad you will like the peonies- these are the ones you gave me from the farm. Did we move those from Grand
Blanc? I can't remember. Anyway they are finally coming in to their own. Garden club pals - be advised peonies don't' like to be moved. Mine are getting quite thick and as you can see I have several different colors but expect quite a few years before they seem happy. The old adage of the first year they sleep, the second year they creep and the third year they leap doesn't really apply. I would say it takes a good five years for them to start to come in to their own.

This is the iris Clint and I bought at the Chicago Botanical Gardens when we all took the trip with the Garden Club.
Sorry not enough to trade but I wanted to show it off.

Sundrops- I have tons of these- please come take some.

salvia- I have two large clumps

Yellow blanket flower- Indian blanket flower- goblins blanket or
gailardia -by the way does any one have the red and yellow or all red varieties? I would like to get some of those. I have several clumps of these- very hardy and drought tolerant.

Pink yarrow - tons this came from Stacy
Coreopsis- four or five large clumps
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