We are very in to what we call "lawn elimination". Believe it or not the flowers require less maintenance, and less water than grass. Our rule of thumb, with a few exceptions, is we don't do annuals and things that require lots of water unless you can eat them. We are making "rooms" with spots of grass for specific purposes- such as a place for the kids to play or to sit and chat, otherwise we are looking to put in shrubs, small trees, and perennials with paths between them. The paths can be more fun than just a broad open space, and for the times a broad open space is needed we have a wonderful park across the street, complete with creek. Most of this was inspired by the book Noah's Garden. As a caveat on the swap list we won't trade anything under copyright. I don't believe most of my stuff is. The poppies for example- came from my dad's. My grand parents planted them over forty years ago. Copyrights on plants only last for twenty years
Bluish-purple and very ruffled -only a few extra
White ruffled- lots
Gold and burgundy- limited
This is a dusty grayish pink- I have a few extra
Deep yellow- lots of these
This is a little one- I think it is wild- I have quite a few
Medium purple- only a few extra

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