Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow Day

We have a snow day today. Forest Hills, Cedar Springs, 200 other schools including eventually KCTC- but not until after first session block in which Clint taught 1 student. Cae is on his fouth antibiotic azithromycin, and we go to the ENT on Thursday. Abbi spent the weekend scooting up and down the stairs on her butt- at least they are clean now- the stairs that is- I can't speak for her butt.

My debate kids broke to octo-finals at the East Kentwood debate tournament back on the 11th and 12th of January. I told them I would post some pictures.

Hurry find the evidence!

Your see judge this is why I have the best argument

Judge Mandy from Mona Shores says we will see.

But judge you must listen to me!

Beware the cross-ex

Who needs high heels?

The octo-finalist are....

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