Abbi and Caelun in
"a one horse open sleigh"
at the entrance of
Frederick Meijer Gardens

The tree that greeted us in the "trees from around the world" the gardens decorate every year. This one represents Germany.

There are over forty
trees. This one represents
Spain. Don't worry
I won't make you see
all forty.

The Cedar
Express- a mini-train
made from all botanical

Here comes the train!

with the train passing
in the background.

A bread fruit tree.

A view from behind the

Lights on the palms.

More green!

More palms

Abbi at the orchid display.

Banana Tree

I should have included the
bottle of apple juice in the pictures
for Cae's bottle.

From our house
to yours...

Happy New Year!
Let me just open with I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. December 30th I went back to the doctor for yet again another sinus infection and reactive airway. That was antibiotic number 6 for me since school started and number 4 for Clint. We decided to take it easy for New Years Eve this year. Not that we usually party all that hearty, but we do usually get together with some friends at somebody's house. We didn't go anywhere and we didn't have anybody over. We went to Fredrick Meijer Gardens for the afternoon to see the mini train and the trees from around the world. In general it is a great place to go for some warmth, humidity and to see something green. We then came home to watch the ball drop on TV, toasting in the New Year with Champagne, Champagne and orange juice, sparkling non-alcoholic grape juice , and apple juice -respectively. The Augmenton I started on the 30th wasn't cutting it so I am now on to antibiotic number 7. I am going back to the specialists as soon as debate season is over. Thanks Dr. Dan if you are reading this for suggesting Avelox. We just took Cae in to see Dr. Sue - he still isn't sleeping through the night. We have switched from Zantac to Previcid for the reflux and now we found out today he has an ear infection. Abbi who was the sick one all last spring and summer has not had so much as a sniffle. Thankfully at least they take turns. This antibiotic for me,already seems to be improving the situation so I am cautiously optimistic. Enjoy the green and the lights of the botanical gardens.
1 comment:
I hope you feel better by now. That is a fun place -- I love the trees around the world idea.
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