Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Memorial Day is officially the start of summer. Not really in our house. In our house the start of summer comes with the end of the school year but for lots of folks the first weekend of summer is the long Memorial Day weekend. Here in MI it is a 4 day weekend with us getting the Fri and the Mon off. We headed up to my dad’s for a cook out and with the idea that we could start some of our summer projects for the farm. The weather thought otherwise. It rained. It was a warm rain but a torrential down pour none the less.  We cooked out on the grill in the pole barn and Caelun played in the rain while we listened to it on the metal roof. I can think of far worse ways to spend a Memorial Day.

Grandpa Bob gout out his tractor but hten put it back when the rain started.

Memorial day 003

“Grandpa’s Digger” as Caelun calls it.Memorial day 004 Then the rain came.

    What makes good splashes in puddles?


Memorial day 009A football…  Memorial day 011A foot ball makes a good splash.  Memorial day 013  Memorial day 015

A sledge hammer…???

Memorial day 016

The best thing for a puddle- boats!

 Memorial day 017 Memorial day 018

Memorial day 019

Yes boats are the thing for a puddle and playing in the rain.

Memorial day 020

“Yeah for puddles!”

  Memorial day 023

  “Do you want a big wet muddy kiss?”Memorial day 025

Grandma Del does.

  Memorial day 028Memorial day 029

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