Sunday, July 11, 2010

Irises- flags of many colors

  My name is Pamela and I have an iris addiction. They say the first step is knowing you have a problem but I think I am not really looking for a cure. Part of being a gardener is being a collector. This is a way of collecting things that I don’t have to trip over in the house and I don’t have to dust. Clint – who had never done irises before we got married- was astounded at the variety and range of colors. I have to say I have corrupted him and he is now an iris addict as well. I counted and there are 19 different irises in this post and yep they are all growing in my yard. I actually just planted a new one I got from a friend yesterday and I am headed to another friends to trade some blackeyed susans for another one I don’t currently have. I get most of my flowers this way. I trade, barter, and beg if necessary. I promise I won’t quit my job an stay home sniffing irises all day. Besides- they mostly only bloom in June. I will have to move on to another addiction like day lilies, roses, or some new ones like columbines or hosta. For now take a stroll and appreciate the addicts range if nothing else.

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This one is one Clint and I bought at the Chicago Botanic Garden. It is supposed to be red, white, and blue but we decided it is more like orange, white, and pale lavender.

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This blueish purple one is probably the most ruffled iris I have.

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This purple and white one is Clint’s favorite.

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This one gets so heavy it tends to tip over. I guess I will need to stake it in the future.

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These are kind of a gray-ish pink but it doesn’t completely read in the picture.

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      irises 009          irises 019      irises 021

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         irises 040    irises 041

The dramatic black background is the solar heater for our pool –funny I know.

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