Whew I have been on hiatus from this blog for waaaaay to long. LOTS of catching up to do. I have been taking a college class along with the regular craziness of a new school year for a 2 teacher, teenager, toddler household but catch up I will. I will do my best to keep our family story moving along in chronological order. This is from June. Our dear neighbor friends now have an Eagle Scout in their house. Levi was 5 when I moved in across the street. He is now an Eagle Scout- the highest honor a boy scout can earn, 16, and driving- oh my. At any rate here are some of the festivities of his Eagle Court. Congrats Levi!
Stacey the proud mom.
Fellow scouts join in the celebration.
Many merit badges.
Former uniform from his cub scout days.
The ceremony begins.
Brother Bryar helps in the ceremony.
Abbi watches as the flags are carried in.
Brien and Stacey wait to be introduced.
We all stand as the Eagle Scout honor is awarded.
Mean while the wild toddler runs amuck outside.
Warning alright…
Daddy corrals him.
Levi receives his award.
Proud brother Bryar carries the flag in the processional – almost no one noticed when he hit the ceiling. (wink)
Yeah for the Eagle Scout!
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