Clint’s step-sister Amanda and her husband Wes came all the way to MI from HI for a baby shower in their soon to be baby’s honor. Our new nephew is expected to make his debut in mid December. We were all happy to have an opportunity to rub Mandy’s “baby bump”, enjoy some yummy food, and have some time to – in general hang out. Noah Wesley we are all looking forward to your arrival.
Bree helps Mandy open presents
Mandy’s mother in-law gave Mandy the outfit Wes came home from the hospital in.
So many presents.
Grandma Mary gives Cae a snuggle and he “un-decorates” the hall.
Aunt Missy gives Cae a cuddle.
Aunt Linda helps with the party.
Grandma Mary is the ultimate party planner
Caelun sooooo wanted those ducks.
Everyone stenciled quilt squares for a baby blanket.
Caelun found the stencils…
…and put them in lines on the floor- of course.
Noah got lots of cool toys that Cae-Cae had to check out.
and cookies…
Caelun played some dinner music.
Bree and Missy enjoy all the yummy food.
Clint came along so he could get a chance to see Mandy but brought his homework to work on when all the “girly shower stuff” was in full swing.
Abbi is chillin’
Bree and the balloons…
Caelun comes to “share”
Bree is such a good big cousin and gives Caelun a balloon.
Abbi plays along until it is time to leave.
Cute and thanks for sharing...but let's not push it..Noah is due MID DEC! :)
Love Amanda
Thanks for the cute pics...but lets not push it...Noah is due MID DEC :)
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