This post is actually out of order as events go. My dear hubby’s fellow teachers put their heads together and decided to have a yard sale right after school was out for the summer. They graciously invited me to join them- if I had any stuff to get rid of- yeah right. It was a very successful sale I got rid of Abbi’s to small bike, an old chair and 2 big tubs of random clothes and such. The kids sold lemonade and soda with the profits going to the humane society. For the most part we had good weather. It rained one afternoon but we all wanted a break any way. We cleaned out our stuff we don’t use any more-passing it along to some one who can, put a bit of money in our pockets, and had a good time hanging out. The kids had a great time. They chased chickens, picked strawberries, climbed trees, and in general had a good “kid kind of time” I think we are thinking this could be an annual event. Enjoy the pictures of the goofy kids.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Garage Sale- we did not sell the garage- I promise!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A visit to Great Grandpa Conley- in the hospital
My husband’s dear grandfather recently contracted a particularly pesky brand of pneumonia. I have been there done that and know what a real downer it can be. We decided to take a little road trip to Hastings to see him and hopefully put a smile on his face. Caelun certainly put a smile on his Grandma Mary’s face if not Great Grandpa Conley. Grandpa really looked pretty good and I wanted the family who haven’t been able to see him face to face to know he seemed to be at least somewhat on the mend. He is a wonderful man-Truly part of the greatest generation. A WWII vet with 4 children, close to a dozen grandchildren, and upteen great grandchildren- the list is always growing. Clint’s step-sister Mandy is expecting this December. Here are a few pics. from the day.
Always the gentleman Grandpa shakes Clint’s hand.
Abbi gives him a hug.
Caelun the wiggle worm and I also get in on the action.
Clint’s dad and step-mom- Mary were there also.
Mary gave Caelun lots of snuggles and tickles.