Monday, March 10, 2008

Debate Banquet

We had our annual debate banquet a few weeks ago. With all of the drama of Cae getting croup and then both of us getting very ill with the same virus (another post) I just haven't gotten it posted. The kids put it together themselves and it was held at one of their houses by a very gracious mom. Cae came along as the mascot. Many awards were given: the standard like best Novice, most improved, fastest, best card cutter, etc... Then we had most likely to flirt with the opposing team, most likely to eat a novice, hottest, most likely to cry, most likely to debate in 5 inch pink stilettos, most likely to hug the opposing team, most likely to make the opposing team eat a ruler, and my personal favorite- most likely to explode into a raging giant fire ball. So here they are - cheers to the end of the Africa topic - let the recycling and back filing began. On to next year's topic: Alternative Energy.

What awards will I get?
Who do you think got the award for biggest flirt?
Who ? No way!What award did I get?

What a flirt - going for the older woman
Hold still so I can take a picture
Or not...
Yea debate

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