So I was going to catch up on all of these posts during mid-winter break -not so much but I will get to that later. This weekend was going to be a weekend to work on Caelun's room and catch up on sleep. Abbi was going to spend the weekend with a friend and Caelun was going to stay with Grandma Mary Saturday night. So how do I find myself sitting in room 607 of Metro Hospital for a second night? Abbi's plans fell through with her friend, so Clint picked her up on Friday like normal. He got her home and she wasn't feeling good. Clint went to bed- he gets up at 5:00 a.m. and I stayed up. She was running a temp. We did Tylenol and it didn't come down. We did Motrin. Her throat still hurt and she was stuffy. We did Benadryl and cough drops and at 1:30a.m. she went to bed. I went to bed. At 2:00.m. Cae woke up with the continuing saga of the stuffy nose we have been dealing with for a week. He was up again at 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At 8 Clint got up with him and let me sleep. I got up at 10:00 to hear Cae was running a temp- 102.5 that Tylenol wouldn't bring down. No stay a Grandma's for Cae. We did alternating Motrin and Tylenol on alternating kids all day. At 9:00 p.m. As we were looking at Abbi's red, white spotted throat with a flash light, Cae woke up barley able to breathe. After a call to our pediatrician's- emergency line, a stand in the bathroom with the hot shower running, and the recommendation from our friend/ neighbor/and fireman/first responder Brien Velting we packed up both kids and headed to the ER. We decided on Metro Health because we thought it would probably have the shortest wait time and we were correct. It wasn't two minutes from walking in the door that we were in a triage room. Clint didn't even get the van parked. We had planned to take Abbi to the weekend clinic through our GP but since her little brother decided to try to not breathe the ER folks killed two birds with one stone and swabbed her throat. Luckily it wasn't strep. Not so lucky for Cae. He has croup and a reactive airway to boot. At least this I know how to handle- been there done that. Breathing treatments of abuteraol, epinephrine's, oral steroids, - all drugs I was currently carrying in my pocket at the time, for me- and a scalp IV and we are off to the races. We have been sleeping in a cool mist tent. That in conjunction with the scalp IV makes him look like he was wounded in Iraq. This poor kid's baby book is going to be nothing but hospital wrist bands and lists of drugs -drama, drama, drama.

Dad says "the room is nice but the pool is disapointing"
It's okay mom dorks get all the chicks!
It's a sympathey thing.
Even sick and full of tubes he is our smiley boy
Bandage boy helps mommy order lunch
A view through the vent in our cool mist tent

IV is out and we are charming the nurses
Spike the dinosaur and Cae cruise the hall waiting to see
if more rebounds are comming
Hay cutie going our way?
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