December 22,
We finally got out to cut out tree today. We have been trying to do this since last Saturday. Saturday we spent to long at the family christmas party. Sunday there was a blizzard. Monday Clint and I both had meetings after school. Tuesday we blew a head gasket on the van - so in it went for repairs-ARGH!! Wednesday we had to go be witness for a friend who is getting divorced and needed someone present while they divide up thier stuff because the she has a restraining order against the he of the couple. Thursday I started running a temperature. Friday the van was ready to be picked up, and Trish and Jake called to say they were almost here. Yeah for today. Last year we didn't get the tree up until Christmas Eve. so I guess we are making progress. This is why we do our shopping in August. It was great fun, and Cae liked his sled.
We get a real tree, too, but from WalMart. We'll have to cut our own one year since there are so many tree farms around. It looks like you all got a white Christmas, too!
Yes we had a white Christmas. The day of these pictures was actually the least amount of snow. The next day we got 8 inches. It was great fun. This place is a mom and pop farm just a couple of miles away. I highly recomend it.
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