Whew! We were knee deep in paper at the end. What a happy crazy mess.
Start at the bottom and scroll up to get the chaos in chronological order

Lets unpack it now!

Is it in here?

Kitty is still looking for another present
Oh yeah we have to get it through this

Lets set it up right now!

A select comfort- sleep number bed!
It is! It is!

I'm still checking...
Is it really what the box says?

Dad- is the box right?
Did you put my present in a different box?

Here we go....
Time for Abbi to open the big present
Could it be a pony?
There are no air holes so lets hope it isn't

Look Abbi- Kitty likes your radio

An MP3 player- cool

Dad got something else--

Mom, the bow is really cool. Can I just chew on it instead of opening the present?

A photo printer/scanner! Wow, now you are all really in trouble!

From "Prints Charming" hmmm
Is there a Cae Cae boy in there or have we been invaded by aliens?
New blue flannel sheets

I don't care what it is - it has paper on it!

Abbi got a new radio!

Don't worry Caelun it won't bite
Dad I'm not worried but am not sure if the suit jacket goes with pajama's

What could it be?

A book from the kids on how to build a tree house- hint hint

More paper!

Dad got a new suit coat!
"Every girl's crazy for a sharp dressed man"

What is it?

So much paper -so little time
There's our pretty girl

What did Dad get?
A purple elephant- just what I always wanted!

New slippers - that was worth waking up for
Maybe she is starting to wake up

I am a gold medalist paper ripper!
Bring on the presents!
Mom got a new camera- watch out world!

Did I mention Abbi isn't much of a morning person?
Ooooo- stocking!
Mom and Dad -I'm ready!
This one ?

Miss Kitty is ready to open- "There must be something in here for me!"

Did I mention Abbi LOVES to have her picture taken?