Sunday, December 12, 2010

All for the want of a dishwasher or why I regularly swear at dead people.

Those of you who have lived with an old house and have restored or are restoring/remodeling it you will fully understand this post. Those of you who live in nice new dwellings will just shake your head in wonder as to why those of us in the old house category do what we do and go through what we go through. Part of living in an old house is living with all of the crazy things previous owners did or didn’t do to the house. You get to a place where you can actually place which previous owner did what and lots of times even why they did what they did. It doesn’t necessarily make you swear any less at them but you do recognized the fingerprints at the scene of the crime so to speak.  Our house as- near as we can tell was built in 1857 to give you some background. 1857 means before electricity and plumbing. This means those luxuries were added later. This story begins with my husband attempting to install a dishwasher. The dishwasher in question was purchased as a Christmas present in 2006 the winter I was pregnant. The dishwasher then proceeded to live in the box on the roughed in 1st floor portion of our addition for the next three and a half years. This is because the kitchen had no place to accommodate a modern dishwasher. The sink was held together with plumbers tape, magic, and prayers and the counters were not the right height or depth for a dishwasher to fit. Add in the fact that our kitchen has four doors- yes one on every wall, and the entire kitchen is on one electrical circuit and you have quite a puzzle to unravel. Bless my husband he decided at the end of the summer he was – come hell or high water and both were likely in this case- to find a way to install our new/4 year old/still in the box dishwasher. He solved the cabinet not fitting part by building a new cabinet and installing it in the addition through the doorway of the kitchen. He solved the water hook up by hooking it up on the opposite wall of the kitchen sink and running the hoses through the wall to the drain. This only left the electrical issue. He went to the basement to find a new circuit to hook in to and in the crawl space – live and hooked up backward- this is what we found. I took this picture laying on my belly in the crawl space while Clint held a flashlight- and my legs. I mean what the     #%^#&* !!! Okay so not that circuit. Needless to say he found a different circuit, we now have a working dishwasher, and I stopped swearing at dead people- for the moment.

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