Friday, September 26, 2008

Reptile show

So as I mentioned in an earlier post my dear daughter is in to reptiles- particularly snakes and lizards. My husband and I are not. Since these lovely creatures are not allowed to live in our abode the compromise is we periodically go to see them at a reptile show here in Grand Rapids. Fun for the whole family. Yes folks that says $100

That would be my dear daughter's hand

Now that sounds like a yummy snack.

Live mice and rats- also known as lunch and dinner.
They do come in a lot of different, interesting colors.

What is she holding in her hand?

Ah yes that would be a snake- daddy and Cae-Cae look entertained-
what did I say- fun for the whole family.
Okay Abbi- show your friends how brave you are.


Kristin said...

Aw, come on, what's a little alligator in the bathtub? . . .

In spite of it being reptilian, the day looks like something most kids would enjoy. ::shudder::

Totallyscrappy said...

If the alligator was $100, the Columbian red boa was a steal at $50. Right? Shudder, shudder, shudder...

Clint said...

Yes the $50 snake was a great deal so my dear daughter told me. "they are so cool and hardly any work at all" yeah right until you have to feed them a mouse- frozen or not. I will admire them from afar.

Dauphyfan said...

Thanks for stopping by, I thought I'd return the favor and read yours. My comment about her thing for reptiles...whatever makes 'em happy, eh? Good for you for taking her to see them.

Dauphyfan said...

Thanks for stopping by. Thought I'd return the favor and check out yours. As for your daughter's thing for reptiles...whatever makes 'em happy, eh? Good for you for taking her to the show. Take care!

Dauphyfan said...

Thanks for stopping by. Just thought I'd check out yours too. As for your daughter's thing for reptiles, whatever makes 'em happy, eh? Good for you for taking her to the show. =) Take care!

Dauphyfan said...

Thanks for stopping by! Just thought I'd check out yours too. As for your daughter's thing for reptiles, whatever makes her happy, eh? Good for you for taking her there though! Take care =)
