Thursday, June 12, 2008

Planting at Riggle Park

The park kitty corner from my house - Riggle Park- just got a brand new sign provided by the city. The garden club is in charge of planting flowers and shrubs around the sign. The city provides the materials we provide the labor. We had a potluck cook out at my house afterwards. Caelun was sleeping until the end of the cook out so he missed out on the fun, but at least he woke up in time to eat all of the yummy food.
The work bee has already started
coming up the road from my house

Everybody digs in
Let's get started
Cindy works on the edging
Pat gets some help from Blake
Blake helps with the edging

Billy is a great helper
Chris, Pat, and Sarah put down the edging
What do you think of the placement?
Joyce starts digging
Sharon takes a break for a minute

Cindy digs
Karen and Sarah plant lilies
Pat spreads mulch
Cindy and Pat put on fertilizer
From left to right
Jean,Pat, Jan, Joyce, Billy,Debbie,Blake,Sarah, Sandy,Sharon,Cindy, Karen
Chris had to leave early

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