Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round


That was the basic gist of the arrival of the school bus every Monday through Thurs. morning during this pas school year. Well that accompanied by skipping and jumping up and down and I don’t mean by me (wink). It was like Disney World and Christmas morning all rolled in to one EVERY morning. Who knew a Cedar Springs school bus could create such joy? The entire year it never got old for him. Our neighbors started making sure they had their coffee and were out on their porches just so they could see the show. I can’t blame them pure joy is pretty fun to watch. I already stated that Caelun started ECSE Preschool at our local elementary school this past fall. Bus service was part of the services he was eligible for but I wasn’t to sure about putting him on the bus when we first started. First off he was just plain little at only 4. I had prepared myself to watch a kindergartener get on the bus but not a pre-schooler. Secondly this is a kid with limited language abilities. If he were to get lost I was not at all confident he could tell someone who his parents are, where he lives, or who his teacher is. Finally I was concerned he might get scared when he realized there wasn’t an adult ie.. mom, dad, grandpa, Ms. V, Ms. Dianna, that he was familiar with there. I knew there would be a bus driver but a bus driver can’t take the time to bond with a needy kid when they have a dozen tons of metal to manipulate with 50 to 80 loud children making a ruckus at their back. All this added up to the decision that at least for the first week or two I would drive him to school and that is what we did. We got to school early enough that he got to go pick up his class friends when they got off the bus and he thought it looked really fun. So about 2 weeks in we decided to give the bus a try and oh that was a GLORIOUS DAY in the life of Caleun Rhy Conley.

He climbs aboard and takes a seat like he has been doing it all his life and yes I am ‘THAT’ mom that climbed on the bus to  get these pictures.

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He waves from the window and off he goes. It was a SPARTA bus that was contracted for Special Education but we were switched over to a Cedar Springs bus with in a few weeks and I clearly didn’t know what I was talking about regarding bonding with the bus driver because “Ms. Bus Driver” was the bomb and Caelun loved her.

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