Thursday, June 28, 2012

Abbi’s Sophomore Homecoming Spirit Week

Hooray for homecoming! Go Red Hawks and all that stuff. I made sure to get lots of pictures so our Abbi girl and her friends can laugh at them for their 20 year reunion. Go team!

80’s Day

2011-10-17 Abbi 80's day homecoming spirit week 001

We ALMOST  got the hair big enough.

2011-10-17 Abbi 80's day homecoming spirit week 002

Spirit Day sporting her Newspaper shirt.

2011-10-21 Abbi spirit day homecoming week 0022011-10-21 Abbi spirit day homecoming week 004

Off to the Friday night football game with her BFF Megan

2011-10-21 Abbi and Megan homecoming 002

…and her goofy little brother getting in the picture.

2011-10-21 Abbi and Megan homecoming 0032011-10-21 Abbi and Megan homecoming 0042011-10-21 Abbi and Megan homecoming 006

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