Sunday, February 17, 2008

And The Walkin' Man Walks...

Caelun walked Friday! We have it on video so you are all to be subjected. Clint is two for two. He has Abby's first steps on video as well. Abby's video is of course actual video so once I figure out how to get it digitized you will all have to watch that as well.

I have so much to catch up on. I have pictures from an improv speech a couple of weeks ago that I promised my students I would post and Clint's sister Mandy got engaged and is getting married in June. I have her anouncement and now she just flew home for a wedding shower and I have pictures upon pictures. There is also February's book club book as well as the book for March, which is the One County One Book -book. I will try to ge caught up on our break.


Kristin said...

Aw! That was fun. And quite an accomplishment for one so young! Most of my babies are almost 1 before walking (including the last one), but I've had a few walk at 9 months, too.

It was extra-cute to see him go backwards and with that nose spray! LOL.

You two seem to be enjoying him to pieces!

Clint said...

He is sooooo much fun. His mobility has just exploded in the last week or so post ear tubes. I really thought he would walk late. He was a pree-mee and breech to boot with breech legs. Then, throw in the tortacolis and the PT for that- I was just hoping he learned to walk before leaving for college. He has been way ahead on all of the developmental mile stones. He is just really little. He is still wearing lots of 6 months clothes. He was just under 18 pounds at his 9 month well baby. It does make it easier to lug him around.
