Saturday, April 2, 2011

In The Pink

Wow I got behind with blogging- whew! It is spring break so here we go- time to catch up. The end of January my dear Abbi felt like she wanted a burst of color and pink hair seemed like just the ticket. Our philosophy is – go for it when you are are teen because when you are an adult and have to have a real job it isn’t so much an option. Besides that is is just hair. Hair grows. It doesn't hurt you and it isn’t permanent so pink it is. I think it turned out quite cute. She is definitely “in the pink”

 Abbi pink hair and header on the door. 002 Abbi pink hair and header on the door. 003    Abbi pink hair and header on the door. 007 Abbi pink hair and header on the door. 005


Kifus said...

Tell Abbi she looks awesome! Wish I had done more daring things when I was a teen!

Have a lovely week, Pam.

Martha Mendenhall said...

My daughter colored her hair bright pink for her high school prom and wore a hot pink dress, shoes and gloves. Holy Cow! It was actually one of the coolest looks she had ever invented! That was about 10 years ago. Now she is a very edgy hair stylist. Guess she knew her calling way back then, huh? Martha

Pamela said...

Thanks for the props ladies :-) Abbi is a pretty amazing young lady :-)
