Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Evening with Grandma and Grandpa Medford

After everybody had a good nap- well the kids that is we went over to my parents for Christmas with them. The kids had a good time. Abbi particularly enjoyed the slinky in her stocking- who knew? Caelun wasn’t to sure about that. I think Abbi had as much fun as Cae with the alphabet blocks in grandpa’s toy box. Cae got cars, trucks, and building blocks, Clint got tools, Abbi and I got money. Abbi’s came in three wrapped shoe boxes: one to spend, one to save, and one to share. Dad always taught me that as well. We will keep you posted on how that evolves.

Christmas with Bob and Del 001

Yeah for cars and trucks!

Christmas with Bob and Del 002

Slinkys rule!

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Grandpa Bob has blue fuzzy- come get him Cae-Cae the slinky is scary!

Christmas with Bob and Del 005

Saved by blue fuzzy from the killer slinky- If I can’t see it it can’t hurt me – right?

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It’s an air slinky!

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Cae says- “Grandma Del you don’t have a slinky do you?”

Christmas with Bob and Del 009

There might be a slinky in there.

Christmas with Bob and Del 010

Blocks you say?

Christmas with Bob and Del 011

Can’t chance it –that slinky is to scary!

Christmas with Bob and Del 012

Beware the slinky!

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“I’ll get you little boy!”

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Cool alphabet blocks.

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