Thursday, April 30, 2009

A visit with the Turmos

We had a stupendous time visiting with our old college friends Joel and Melissa Turmo. Joel recently went back to school to become an Episcopal priest and his first church assignment is at St Gregory's in Boca Raton.  Joel and Melissa have two boys- David and Andrew.  David and Andrew have every little boy toy known to humans so our little guy was pretty much in little boy  paradise.  They chased balls around the pool and raced hundreds of cars back and forth on the tile floor.  Melissa and I got to do some cooking together.  We mostly just sat around, watch the kids play, and chatted.  It was chilly for Florida most of the time we were there- 70’s to low 80’s but I managed to find the sunny spots.  I actually got enough sun to look like a tan and Joel asked me where I did that.  In you back yard was the response.  He and Melissa have adjusted to the warm weather and were wearing long pants- we were all wearing shorts.


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Andrew and Caelun chase balls and pool floats around the pool.


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Uh Oh- the ball landed in the pool- some one will have to rescue it.

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As you can see Caelun made him self right at home.

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Melissa prepared the shiskobob the last night of our visit

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Clint and Joel played with the kids- Melissa made home made biscuits- yum!

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Joel is the master of the grill.

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Andrew and David like to act goofy too.

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He is such a  mug for the camera.

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We heard Cae laughing like crazy- we went out to find him feeding cheese crackers to their dog Ginger.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Rover visits the Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex

In Boca Raton, where our friends live, they have a wonderful nature center.  It again had the sun and green for me, science for the hubby, and places to run for the wild man. It even had reptiles for Abbi and since she wasn’t with us I took lots of pictures. It was a stupendous day. 

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Did I mention places to run?

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Rover enjoyed it as well.

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A strangler fig on a palm.

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That is a snake skin on the left and interactive science games on the right.

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Enjoy the snake pictures Abbi, I did the best I could through glass.

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Did I mention places to run? He ran up and down this ramp for probably 20 minutes straight. Clint was at one end and I was at the other.  His shirt says “Hello my name is Trouble” and everybody who would see him would smile and comment.

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Clint and I took turns climbing the watch tower and admiring the view. Clint and Cae are at the bottom.

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Rover enjoyed the view.

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This was so funny to me- it is framed animal poop in the bathroom.

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Did I mention space to run?

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And then we found the water…

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He had to keep tasting it because it was salty.

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They had a sand box.

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These are tanks with turtles and sea life.

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A sting ray coming up to say hi.

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The turtles were sun bathing.

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At last our little guy ran enough to wear himself out. Time for a nap and to go to Joel and Melissa’s
